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Body wrappings



(This project evokes the work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude, as a "revelation through concealment", although the artists have repeatedly denied that their projects contain any deeper meaning than their immediate aesthetic impact.)


Could we really reveal a human being by wrapping it?


The idea of revealing refers not only to the body, that can already be regarded as a covering, but to an emanation of it, which I intend to express in my paintings. Said emanation forms the energetic body and it permeates the immediate proximity of the being, the phisical body, as well as everything that comes into direct contact with the body. I am thinking of the subtle and invisible aura of a human being.

Thus, I propose a performative experiment whereby I intend to create or discover, in my paintings, the etherical aura of the human body, so as to evoke it’s spiritual dimension.

Specifically, I wrap the body in a canvas, prepared beforehand for painting, and then I paint it with the airbrush, accentuating each fold that the canvas makes on the body so that later, the unfolded canvas shall preserve the memory of the wrapped body.

On continuing one of my old projects, i.e. The Veils of Illusion, my intention is to transform a sculptural dimension into a painting so as to reveal a stratified multidimensionality as a bidimensionality. The fabric maintains the main shapes of the wrapped body and emphasizes some specific details and the proportions through colour.

In order to get the best out of the experiment, I use canvas of synthetic fabric, prepared for painting, as thin and flexible as possible (around 2 / 2 m for each model). Also, acrylic colours and an airbrush compressor are needed.

The performance is documented by photos and videos.

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